Our company believe is “quality above all”, and consistency in meeting the requirements of each customer individually and meeting the promised delivery times is also our primary concern.

The translation center All Translations has ISO 9001: 2015 certification for the provision of translation services and the specialized certification ISO 17100: 2015 for translation companies by the recognized EQA HELLAS.

The above certifications ensure the quality of the services we provide, the continuous compliance with the established requirements of the standards, the professional skills of our translators, reviewers and reviewers, the availability of the necessary technical resources, as well as issues related to project management and our customer relationship, with particular emphasis on traceability, confidentiality and the management of personal data and other sensitive or protected information.

The quality of the services we provide is not only ensured by the strict adherence to the standard procedures provided by the quality assurance system ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 17100: 2015 of the EQA (www.eqa.gr) which we follow, but also by the daily implementation of even stricter internal regulations in the context of the completion of each project.

In this way, we ensure:

  • Developing a sense of responsibility in partners, which is a prerequisite for quality and punctual performance of the project
  • Consistency in terminology and compliance with customer requirements
  • Continuous assessment and self-assessment of our partners
  • Constant communication with and information of the customer
  • Timely informing the customer in case of any problem
  • Encouraging our partners to continuous, lifelong training