Which are the services provided?

All Translations Centre is currently active in the fields of translation, interpretation, formal validation of translated documents, and localisation of web pages. Διαθέτει δίκτυο άνω των 500 εξειδικευμένων συνεργατών και μπορεί να καλύψει τις ανάγκες σας σε όλους τους τομείς στις περισσότερες γλώσσες.It has a network of over 800 specialised partners and can meet your needs in all sectors in most languages.

The immediate plans of our company include its operation in the field of transcripts and conducting seminars relating to the field of translation.

How can I get a quote?

The simplest way is to use the on-line form (link) on the homepage of our website, filling in at least the mandatory fields.

Alternatively, you can send us your text electronically via e-mail, via FAX or by visiting our offices for direct costing.

How long do you need for a translation?

Texts up to 5 pages are usually translated within 24 hours of confirmation of the agreement of the client, while in case of validation an additional business day is usually required. For longer texts, the normal daily production volume ranges between 3-10 pages, depending on the density of the page, the degree of specialization of the text and the language combination.

In case of need for faster translation, however, we are willing to provide you with the best possible help, always driven by quality standards, which are non-negotiable for us.

Please note that, in each case, delivery within the time period we have agreed is an “oath of honour” for us.

How will my translation be returned to me?

The simplest and most common way is by e-mail. Alternatively, you can receive texts from our offices (mainly in case of document validation) or ask us to send them anywhere by mail or by courier.

Are validated documents official?

All Translations Centre offers the possibility of translation validation in accordance with the Code of Lawyer’s Conduct (Official Gazette A 235 195 41 008, Article 53), which renders the translation official for any use in the private and public sector, in Greece and abroad, equivalent to those provided by the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Why should I select you for my translation?

The answer is given by our customers themselves who, satisfied, come back to us to ask for our services again and again: because we offer professionalism, punctuality, quality, reliability, efficiency, courtesy, speed, training and extensive experience. In short, because we provide quality, professional services at reasonable prices.

How much shall I pay for my translation?

All Translations Centre is considered among the most competitive in terms of price, but this in no way affects the quality or speed of response.Για εταιρικούς και άλλους σταθερούς πελάτες ισχύουν προνομιακές τιμές, το ίδιο και για κείμενα μεγάλου όγκου. For corporate and other loyal clients preferential rates are in force, the same is valid for large volume texts. Θεωρούμε αντιεπαγγελματική την επιπλέον χρέωση για δήθεν «επείγουσες» παραδόσεις και δεν την εφαρμόζουμε ποτέ , είμαστε δε πάντοτε πρόθυμοι και ανοικτοί να συζητήσουμε μαζί σας την τιμολογιακή μας πολιτική προκειμένου να βρεθεί η αμοιβαία βέλτιστη λύση.We consider extra charge for supposedly ‘urgent’ deliveries to be unprofessional and we never apply it; we are always open and willing to discuss with you our pricing policy in order to find a mutually optimal solution.

Who will do the translation of my text?

Our network consists of more than 800 trustworthy partners / external translators, editors and interpreters, each of whom has many years of experience and expertise in specific areas, providing high quality services in most languages of the world. These partners come from two main categories of professionals: either graduates of Schools of translation (Ionian University, foreign universities specializing in translation, translation studies in entities that operate in Greece) or graduates in the sector / subject area covered by the respective translation with a high level of knowledge (C2) in the foreign language and lengthy translation experience, or graduates of foreign language and literature departments. Occasionally, and where necessary or specifically requested by the customer, translations are performed by a native speaker of the target language.

Do you use any machine translation software for your translations?

No! Πιστεύω της εταιρείας μας είναι ότι ο άνθρωπος δεν μπορεί, ούτε και πρόκειται ποτέ να υποκατασταθεί από μηχανές στην παραγωγή λόγου και κειμένου. Our company believes that man cannot and will never be replaced by machines in the production of speech and text.Έχοντας κάνει διάφορες δοκιμές κατά καιρούς, καταλήξαμε στο συμπέρασμα ότι κανένα λογισμικό από όσα κυκλοφορούν στην αγορά δεν είναι αξιόπιστο, η γνώμη δε των περισσότερων πελατών μας το επιβεβαιώνει απόλυτα. Having performed several tests at times, we have concluded that no software on the market is reliable, and the opinion of most of our customers confirms it perfectly.Για τον λόγο αυτόν οι μεταφράσεις μας εκτελούνται κατά 100% από διαπιστευμένους ανθρώπους μεταφραστές. That is why our translations are performed by 100% by accredited human translators.

In contrast, our translation Center considers everyday application of new technologies in translating various types of text of key importance. The use of SDL Trados Studio 2011 Professional (www.translationzone.com) is particularly widespread; this is the leading translation memory used by the largest translation agencies and thousands of freelancers around the world, allowing for faster work, greater productivity and higher-quality translation, consistency when translating recurring terms, storage of translated texts in special databases that can automatically retrieve parts thereof and reuse, and the ability to create multilingual terminological glossaries based on the translation of many different file types in a word processing environment.