All Translations Centre is constantly seeking talented associates, translators and interpreters, to renew and perpetual improve its human resources so as to carry out successfully and on time any project assigned, regardless of volume and time pressure.

In this context, all those interested and qualified are invited to send their CV to our company for a free-lance, external cooperation. We always welcome CVs from potential external partners for all languages, as long as they are reliable and responsible professionals, graduates of translation schools or graduates of higher education schools in the sector / subject area related to the translation, with a high level of knowledge (C2) in the foreign language and a long translation experience or, sometimes, foreign literature graduates.

Specialisation in specific areas, the longest experience possible, and cooperation with native speakers of the target language are of particular interest to us.

All our partners have passed specific, standardised assessment tests, which include, inter alia, a thorough check of their CV, translation of an indicative sample and a detailed personal interview. In addition, they continue to be evaluated on a daily basis based on the services provided, to ensure their continued commitment to the objectives and values of All Translations Centre.

Finally, All Translations Centre participates in internship programmes for translation schools’ undergraduates and graduates, thus offering them experience in a real working environment while considering the possibilities to consolidate new, mutually beneficial partnerships with professionals of the field.