All Translations Centre has the human resources and infrastructure required to undertake and perform with unparalleled quality and consistency any project assigned, regardless of volume and time pressure.
Our network consists of more than 800 trustworthy partners / external translators, each of whom has expertise and years of experience in specific sectors, providing high quality services in most world languages.
Our partners, translators and proof-readers, belong to two main categories of professionals: they are either graduates of translation schools (Ionian University, foreign universities specialising in translation, education providers in the field of translation operating in Greece) or graduates in a specific sector / subject area related to the respective translation project, with a high level of knowledge (C2) in the foreign language and a long translation experience or, sometimes, foreign philology graduates. Occasionally, where necessary or specifically requested by the customer, translation is carried out by a native speaker of the target language.
All our partners have passed specific, standardised assessment tests, which include, inter alia, a detailed personal interview and translation of an indicative sample. In addition, they continue to be evaluated on a daily basis based on the services provided, to ensure their continued commitment to the objectives and values of All Translations Centre.
Finally, our company is always open to the possibility of co-operating with new, worthy partners and invites all persons interested and qualified to send their CVs to our company for cooperation on a freelance basis.In addition, the All Translations Translation Center participates in internship programs for graduates and graduates of translation schools, thus offering them experiences from a real work environment and at the same time considering the possibility of consolidating new, mutually beneficial collaborations with professionals in the field. Furthermore, All Translations Centre participates in internship programmes for translation schools’ undergraduates and graduates, thus offering them experience in a real working environment while considering the possibilities to consolidate new, mutually beneficial partnerships with professionals of the field.