Everything in the Translation Center All Translations, Automatic tools in questions and supplements and availability we use with partners create and with the required, criteria sets. Trust trust and the spirit of separation separates our company commitment to customers.
Specifically regarding services provided to our customers, embrace of the values of each of our customers separately and provision of customised solutions, the pursuit of the optimal result based on customer needs and requirements, absolute respect for and strict observance of promised delivery times, constant compliance with quality procedures defined by the ISO standard, continuous (actually on a 24-hour basis) availability and our immediate response to every request, continuous renewal / improvement of our network of partners and evaluation of their performance on a daily basis, the use of new technologies, but also flexibility and our ability to adapt to constantly changing and increasingly demanding needs of our times and our customers, all are an everyday reality for us as experienced by our customers too.
Finally, All Translations Centre pays particular importance to the strict observance of regulations and the code of conduct in every facet of its operations, in particular regarding issues of security, privacy, confidentiality, protection of personal data, equality and equal opportunities, non-discrimination of any form, respect for diversity, labour rights, environmental protection and so on, but also to the human dimension of our relations, which are governed by values such as respect, integrity, reciprocity, commitment to values and professionalism.