Our network consists of more than 800 trustworthy partners / external translators, each of whom has expertise and years of experience in specific sectors, providing high quality services in most world languages.
Our partners, translators and proof-readers, belong to two main categories of professionals: they are either graduates of translation schools (Ionian University, foreign universities specialising in translation, education providers in the field of translation operating in Greece) or graduates in a specific sector / subject area related to the respective translation project, with a high level of knowledge (C2) in the foreign language and a long translation experience or, sometimes, foreign philology graduates. Occasionally, where necessary or specifically requested by the customer, translation is carried out by a native speaker of the target language.
All our partners have passed specific, standardised assessment tests, which include, inter alia, a detailed personal interview and translation of an indicative sample. In addition, they continue to be evaluated on a daily basis based on the services provided, to ensure their continued commitment to the objectives and values of All Translations Centre.
Beyond strict adherence to formal procedures such as those described above, the quality of services we provide is additionally guaranteed by daily implementing even tighter internal regulations and control procedures in the context of completion of each project.
It is particularly important that the completion of each project is followed by a technical, terminological, linguistic, literary and stylistic control, usually from two different proof-readers with further specialisation in the translation of both relative and general literary texts, in order to ensure not only that each concept is correctly reflected based on customer requirements and the specific project needs, but also that all elements of the original version are preserved and that the translation text flows properly and is easy to read.
In All Translations Centre, we believe that “quality is above all”; moreover, punctuality in responding to the requirements of each customer and fulfilment of promised delivery time are also primary concerns.
In this way, we indicatively ensure:
- Developing a sense of responsibility in partners, which is a prerequisite for quality and punctual performance of the project
- Consistency in terminology and compliance with customer requirements
- Continuous assessment and self-assessment of our partners
- Constant communication with and information of the customer
- Timely informing the customer in case of any problem
- Encouraging our partners to continuous, lifelong training
With regard to the security aspect, for All Translations Centre every single text is completely confidential.Η εχεμύθεια αποτελεί μέρος του επαγγελματισμού μας και πρωταρχική μας μέριμνα η διασφάλισή της σε όλα τα στάδια της μεταφραστικής διαδικασίας. Confidentiality is part of our professionalism and our main concern is guaranteeing it at all stages of the translation process.Σκοπός μας παραμένει ανά πάσα στιγμή η εξορθολογισμένη αποθήκευση και διαχείριση ευαίσθητων πληροφοριών και η προστασία τους από κάθε μη εξουσιοδοτημένη χρήση, ιδιαίτερα εάν τα δεδομένα αυτά αποτελούν στοιχεία προσωπικού χαρακτήρα ή σχετίζονται με δικαιώματα πνευματικής / διανοητικής ιδιοκτησίας.We We focus at all times to a streamlined storage and handling of sensitive information and their protection from any unauthorised use, especially if these data are personal data or related to intellectual rights / intellectual property.
In this context, All Translations Centre has signed Non-Disclosure Agreements with all executives and with all partners, freelance translators / interpreters, while always seeking to conclude confidentiality agreements with all customers, smaller or bigger.
For more information please contact us:
By phone: 210-6779077 Through email: info@all-translations.gr By FAX: 211-7709077